Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Grandeur Of John 1:14

And the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory,
the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth. ~ John 1:14

There is something about angels.
Strong, powerful beings
Who are alien to our world.

Their beauty far exceeds human comprehension.
Their voices far trancends human standards.
Their might far superior than the most sophisticated human weapon.

They are almost fairytale-like.

But you know they are real.
They are somewhere out there.

And if we see them, awe overwhelms us.

And I believe even as you read this, you are wondering what "out-of-this-world" thing do I have to share with you about angels.

Simply because the mere mentioning of angels
awakes in us,
the human awe for the supernatural.

the biggest contradiction lies here.

There is a Maker of angels.
And we seldom live in child-like wonder as to how He brought His powers into creation.

There is a Reason for the existence of the supernatural and the natural world.
And we do not consider that important enough to for us to stop and ponder where we belong to and where will we end up in.

There is a Creator who makes and watches the world in motion.
And we do not consider Him spectacularly overwhelming enough to live each day in fear of offense to Him.

Allow me to offer my explanation:

God has come SO CLOSE to earth, right beside you and me,
so much so that,
we are considering Him,

and lesser

of a God.

And this is tragic.

The Word became flesh
Such grandeur in these four words.
The everlasting Power of the Universe takes on human form.

The Chinese translation of "The Word" refers to "The Way" - "道"

Lao Tze and Confucius, both great thinkers of the East
have strived all their lives to grasp the essence of "Way", but to no avail.

"The Way is a limitless vessel;
Used by the self,
it is not filled by the world;
It cannot be cut, knotted, dimmed or stilled;
Its depths are hidden, ubiquitous and eternal;
I don't know where it comes from;
It comes before nature."- 老子(道德经,第四章)

"To hear in the morning
that the Way prevails
is to be able to die
without regret
in the night."-孔子(里仁,第四,第八句)

These great minds of the human race have invested their lives on earth, sincerely seeking the truth of the Way.

And if only they live in my day.

What could their exhilaration be,
if they SEE for themselves
the visible formation of this Way,
in flesh?

Jesus Christ.

The fullness of the powers of the Creator expressed within the frame of a man from Nazareth.
(Isn't it without logic when mere man figures according to his limitations of Science, how impossible it is for the Creator of the laws of Science to manipulate such laws to bring about the processes of healing of a blind man's eye or a leper's wounds, processes which are naturally perceived as "miracles"?)

The ultimate expression of a Force beyond natural human comprehension, in a human anatomy.

The Word became flesh

and dwelt among us.

To me, this is the supernatural of all supernatural.
Can the mind of man possibly comprehend that?

The eternal and the all-powerful force of...

once threaded on the same earth you and I currently live on.

If this is not mind-blowing, I don't know what is.

And we beheld His glory.

Allow me to talk about angels again.
What would your reaction be if an angel appears beside where you sit now?

I thought I would faint.
But my response would be nothing short of fantastic wonder.

If only we are willing to understand this once again.

That God has come

Not angels.


And we beheld His glory.
This, my friend, is precisely the greatest contact point between the supernatural glorious and the natural fallen.

And all the reasons of living comes into sensible logic.

Here, we come into an inevitable realisation that it is no longer about what I think or even what I want to think about:

- God,

- what I want to do with my life,

- my dismay with the 581st problem of yesteryear.

- and whatnot.


the One who is the Designer of the human world and the angels' appearances.

the One who is the Writer of the story of the natural world.

the One who brought into existence everything I ever knew, including the brain I'm using to contemplate Him with now.

He makes contact with me.

And I see it.



Perfection revealed and explained.

God in humanly-understandable form.

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father
full of grace and truth.

And when everything has settled,
we awake to the tender note that,


is THE token of love from God to man.

He came to make God comprehensible to man,
but above that,

He came to bring you a message.


Can you grapple with this?
Can you?

Failure to do so often leads to a Christian life littered with attitudes of a man who is living but has no true life.

Take a read at John 1:14 again.

May it jolt you from wherever you are,
to the full awe of who you are,
and what your God has done for you.


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